Tuesday, 8 May 2012
Monday, 7 May 2012
Friday, 4 May 2012
Evaluation: What have you learned from your audience feedback?
i also used social networking sites to get people to comment on my blog and my products.the more audience feedback i got the better as i was able to edit my products until they reached complete target audience satisfaction.
by posting a link to my blog on twitter i was reaching a wider variety of people as i dont have control on who follows me so this means they might look at blog and make a comment which would be honest and trustworthy as they would be an 'outsider'
i posted a link to my teaser trailer on facebook so all my facebook friends could see it and hopefully comment on it, although nobody commented i did get '5likes' which insiuates that they liked my teaser trailer and enjoyed it.
Somebody wrote on my blog in doing this it lets me know what im doing write and wrong and gives me time to change things.
From these responses, i can conclude that the majority of the audience feedback was positive with some negotive and constuctive points for me to improve. All of the responses make clear that all three of my products work well together and all relate and compliment one and other.
Tuesday, 1 May 2012
Audience feedback questionnaire analysis
Almost everyone who took my survey was in my target audience age group meaning all my feedback will be relevant, majority were 16-25. This means i will be able to see if my products suited my target audience, and for those out of my target audience bracket i will be able to see if my products did suit them.
77%women took my survey this is good as i challenged conventions a bit by making my film more appealing to females so i will be able to see if i achieved this. Having both males and females taking my survey means i can get the opinion of both sexes.
My third question was whether each of my pieces appealed to the audience and the reasons. The aim of this question was to see an overview of my teaser trailer and to see if i had to change it. Every respondent answered yes that my teaser trailer was appealing to them with comment such as 'yes very scary' being great as that means it conforms with my horror genre other comments praised my editing which is a convention of horror films.
Part 2 of question 3 focused on my magazine cover and whether it appealed to my respondents and their reason, 90% answered yes, 1 person didn't answer yes but failed to give a reason making it hard for me to know where i can improve. positive comments such as 'yes, image used is the last image seen in the clip, so they relate well' and 'yes good layout' make me feel i have achieved some conventions of a typical horror magazine cover.
Part 3 of question 3 focuses on my film poster, yet again 90% said it did appeal to them with the 1 person again failing to state a reason. positive responses such as 'yes really eyecatching' and 'yes, consistent use of images, style and font' lets me know that all of my products relate well as the respondent has commented on it.
Question 5 is the strengths of my products this will help me know what i should keep and what i should change when i improve my work and i will know what i did well on, comments such as 'Professional looking and they all fit together well' make me feel good about my products, editing seems to be the strongest part of all my products which makes me think i was successful with my conventions as i built up suspense with slower paced editing and it getting gradually faster.
My 5th question focused on my weaknesses of the three products this information would help me know what i did wrong and what i need to change. The main feedback was about the amount of fonts i used on both ancillary tasks and how there are to many and it can be seen as cluttered and confusing.
this audience feedback has been useful as i am now able to go and make the changes i need to, in order to make my products suit my target audience more.
Friday, 27 April 2012
Friday, 20 April 2012
Tuesday, 17 April 2012
Secondry Focus Group
For my research i used a focus group i found this was a really effective way of getting feedback, so i decided to do another one for my evaluation. I interviewed 6 people aged between 6-25 which is the age of my target audience.
I showed my target audience my teaser trailer and then my magazine front cover and film poster and then asked them 14 set questions in order to get some solid reliable feedback i then gave them each a chance to add any other opinions.
I showed my target audience my teaser trailer and then my magazine front cover and film poster and then asked them 14 set questions in order to get some solid reliable feedback i then gave them each a chance to add any other opinions.
1. How old are you?
2. Did you like my teaser trailer?
3. (if answered yes)What did you like about the video?
3. (if answered no) what didn't you like?
4. What would you change about the video?
5. What did you think about the sound used in the video?
6. What did you think of the storyline of my video?
7. Do you think my product 'The awoken' was similar to existing trailers such as 'Paranormal activity' and 'The strangers'
8.(if answered yes) Why was it similar?
8.(if answered no) Why wasn't is similar?
8.(if answered no) Why wasn't is similar?
9. What did you think of my film poster? Did you like it?
10. Is my film poster similar to others?
11. What did you think of my film magazine? Did you like it?
12. Is my film magazine similar to others?
13. Do my products fit in with the horror genre?
14. Any further comments?
By having a focus group, I was able to fully understand what people thought of my teaser trailer. From the answers my target audience gave me i had an insight into what they liked and disliked about my product. Some of the positives of my trailer was the fast paced editing the releatable characters, the music fitting in well with the editing.The respondants also commented on the lowkey lighting and the night vision effect how that created a scary errie feeling.
A negative point some of the respondants commented on was the lack of a relase date and credit which i would agree are dissapointing factors i missed out on my trailer. Some respondants aso commented on the lack of music at the start of my trailer, i think we did this as it was an introduction into the story line and characters but looking back it could do with some kind of music. Overall my products did appeal to my target audience of 16-25.
Some popular remakes are 'Nightmare in elm street', 'Friday 13th' 'The unborn'
What is Horror?
Horror films are a movie genre seeking a negative emotional reaction from the audience, they do this by preying on the audiences emotion of fear. Horror films include jumpy scenes, graphic gorey scenes to startle the audience into be scared.
The horror and thriller genre are closely related and oftern are confussed as they can be used together. Horror films are best made scary by including every day issues which are realistic and by preying on the fear of the unknown.
Horror has moved on in time early horror films were largely based on nineteenth-century gothic literature such as Universal's Dracula and Frankenstein other horror films would include monsters, vampires, werewolves and mummies which would now be seen as unrealistic we have moved on to serial killers, canniballs.
Horror has moved on in time early horror films were largely based on nineteenth-century gothic literature such as Universal's Dracula and Frankenstein other horror films would include monsters, vampires, werewolves and mummies which would now be seen as unrealistic we have moved on to serial killers, canniballs.
Analysis of my audience research
After collecting 10 responses from my questionnaire I've analysed them in order for it to help me with my product. My target audience is 16-25 i this is because this is who mostly answered my questionnaire and 90% said they liked horror films so this age group appears to best suited. My trailer will be aimed at both male and females as although the majority of people that took my survey were male i want my trailer to appeal to a wider variety of people.
The fifth question I asked was 'What are your hobbies/interests?' this was to gain a further insight into my target audience and how they spend their free time. Watching films and socialising are common interests among my chosen target audience, the characters withing my trailer should be easily relatable and have qualities or aspects of their lives in common with the audience so the story line feels more real and therefore more frightening
The majority of my target audience watch horror films once a month so i want my
Our target audience said that the trailer was one of the main things that made them want to watch a horror film, this is why our trailer has to be able to draw in our target audience. For our trailer the storyline and the fear factor are going to be the main focus, these were the popular answers that we found in the questionnaire.
We also found out that our target audience preferred to watch horror films that were based around a psychological factor, and a lot of action. We will try and incorporate both of these factors into our trailer, by doing this it will meet our target audiences desires in a horror film and make them want to watch it.
For our promotional package of the film, we are going to focus on the image for both the poster and the magazine cover. This is because this is what our target audience said drew their attention the most, The image needs to be eye catching, and give an insight in to what my films about the picture also needs to be bold and dramatic to stand out and catch the audiences eye so its memorable. We will also focus on other conventions of a poster and a magazine cover, the font and the colours will also be important, they will need to connote the ideas of horror and fear to keep in the genre of my teaser trailer as both the poster and magazine have to be able to stick out to our target audience
Monday, 16 April 2012
Monday, 12 March 2012
Tuesday, 6 March 2012
Audience Feedback Questionnaire
Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey, the world's leading questionnaire tool.
Monday, 5 March 2012
Research into simililar products: horror magazine analysis
This is a Movie magazine, called Gorezone. The typical conventions of a magazine layout do conform to this magazine such as the masthead is at the top, in the centre and as you can see the route of the eye runs along it and its in red bold letters which makes it stand out.
The magazine has one main image which is the background to the magazine but is also Central to make it catch the readers eye. The image's face is in the centre of the principle of thirds this is conventional to a magazine layout because it creates an order to the magazine but centres the model and makes her dominant and stand out.
The magazine also has typical conventions of the horror genre for example it uses the colour red for the masthead with black outline these colours are linked with horror because red indicates danger and blood and black connotes darkness. The font used is also bold making it very dominant. The picture used also is connotes the horror genre as they have used a pale female model with blood on her face, by making her pale it makes her look ghostly and by having a female connotes naivety and vulnerability and the blood indicates danger and the horror.
Analysis of a Front cover Horror Magazine
The layout of this magazine is very typical for that of the conventions of a horror magazine. There is a main image which takes up the whole right hand side and centre of this magazine this is letting the audience know the magazine focuses on this image. The image is from scream which is a well known horror film having this image in the centre means it stands out and 'scream' fans will see the magazine and want to buy it. The magazine uses three more smaller images to the left of the magazine this makes the magazine appeal to a wider audience as anyone that can relate to those pictures will also want to buy it.On the left hand side with the pictures there is a stereotypical movie board picture used this fits in with the magazine as its a film magazine and its an easy way to let the audience know that as well.
The masthead runs along the top with the route of the eye this means its the first thing that's seen its stands out as its in bold red writing, red contrasts the black background and red also connotes blood which relates with the horror genre. Above the masthead in yellow is a freebie by having it above the masthead the dominate part of the magazine means it will be seen especially as it runs with the route of the eye and putting it in yellow contrasts both the red and black making it stand out.
Also below the masthead is bullet points of what else is inside the magazine these are in yellow as well to make them stand out against the bold masthead and yellow contrasts the red and black.
Also below the masthead is bullet points of what else is inside the magazine these are in yellow as well to make them stand out against the bold masthead and yellow contrasts the red and black.
The fonts used are all quite basic sans serif to make the magazine easy to read, the colour scheme connotes the horror genre well with red representing blood, yellow, danger and black death.
Wednesday, 29 February 2012
Title- The Awoken
Genre- Horror
Description of Ideas:
The awoken is a teaser trailer, which focuses on four young teenagers that play jokes using a Ouija board and it all goes horribly wrong. Sam, Ella, Joe, Chloe are all teenagers with their personalities all fitting a different stereotype: a funny character, a girly character, a sensible character, a shy nervous character. The trailer focuses on the characters vulnerability and naivety. We've chosen teenagers as this is who our target audience is, and also to try and show a different side of teenagers instead of a negative one we are focusing on their vulnerable side.
Why our product will be successful:
We will also be putting together a film poster and film magazine front cover which all help promote the trailer. The sub genre that we have is a Ouija board, we got this idea from our research into things related to the horror genre (shown in my spider diagram) we couldn't find a recent film using a Ouija board so thought it would be interesting and unique thing to base ours on.
We have put a lot of research into our product using questionnaires and other methods to find out what our target audience in doing this we thing its impossible for the film not to be a success as its meeting the criteria. We've also analysed film posters and film magazine front covers to ensure every detail is covered and our trailer fits in with the horror genre. Our trailer is fast paced, to create tension, we have also used editing techniques to create suspense and to make people want watch the film after seeing the trailer.
Summary of conventions for Horror teaser trailer:
Horror teaser trailers follow many different conventions for example they use low lighting to create suspence, they use a voice over to create tension. Some trailers start with a slow happy introduction, by introducing the main characters and usual showing their vunlnerablity they then go on to show the main obsticle of film the horror aspect and then the victim being affected by this point the pace will have picked up including both the editing and the sound to create tension. Other horror trailers dont include a happy introduction they just get straight into the horror aspect and show the victim being affected this is usually all done in fast paced editing in order to not reveal the whole film but to show enough exciting clips together that the audience want to know what happens next and then watch the film. Horror films tend to use both men and women but the women usually are the victim. Conventially horror film characters are wither couples or teenagers, couples because they are vulnerably and niave because they are supposedly smitten in love and teenagers because they are still young and havent matured so they are very niave ad vulnerable.
Conventially horror films use both digetic and non digetic music to create tension and this is usually the main suspence builder aslong as you have the right music with the right timed shots. Horror films also conventially include text they do this to break up the scenes and to tell more of the plot so its easier to understand it also means they dont have to reveal to much of the film and the text usually are questions or statements which mak the audience ask questions which means they are more likely to watch the film in order to answer the questions.
Summary of Target Audience:
The target audience for our horror teaser trailer is for teenagers and young adults around the ages of 16-25 we got these ages from our survey into similar products so we know they will be best suited for our trailer. Any younger age would struggle to understand the main focus of the ouija board, and could be easily scared and may suffer from nightmares or in the worst case senario may even be influenced by the trailer and try to re in act it which could result in disaster.
Genre- Horror
Description of Ideas:
The awoken is a teaser trailer, which focuses on four young teenagers that play jokes using a Ouija board and it all goes horribly wrong. Sam, Ella, Joe, Chloe are all teenagers with their personalities all fitting a different stereotype: a funny character, a girly character, a sensible character, a shy nervous character. The trailer focuses on the characters vulnerability and naivety. We've chosen teenagers as this is who our target audience is, and also to try and show a different side of teenagers instead of a negative one we are focusing on their vulnerable side.
Why our product will be successful:
We will also be putting together a film poster and film magazine front cover which all help promote the trailer. The sub genre that we have is a Ouija board, we got this idea from our research into things related to the horror genre (shown in my spider diagram) we couldn't find a recent film using a Ouija board so thought it would be interesting and unique thing to base ours on.
We have put a lot of research into our product using questionnaires and other methods to find out what our target audience in doing this we thing its impossible for the film not to be a success as its meeting the criteria. We've also analysed film posters and film magazine front covers to ensure every detail is covered and our trailer fits in with the horror genre. Our trailer is fast paced, to create tension, we have also used editing techniques to create suspense and to make people want watch the film after seeing the trailer.
Summary of conventions for Horror teaser trailer:
Horror teaser trailers follow many different conventions for example they use low lighting to create suspence, they use a voice over to create tension. Some trailers start with a slow happy introduction, by introducing the main characters and usual showing their vunlnerablity they then go on to show the main obsticle of film the horror aspect and then the victim being affected by this point the pace will have picked up including both the editing and the sound to create tension. Other horror trailers dont include a happy introduction they just get straight into the horror aspect and show the victim being affected this is usually all done in fast paced editing in order to not reveal the whole film but to show enough exciting clips together that the audience want to know what happens next and then watch the film. Horror films tend to use both men and women but the women usually are the victim. Conventially horror film characters are wither couples or teenagers, couples because they are vulnerably and niave because they are supposedly smitten in love and teenagers because they are still young and havent matured so they are very niave ad vulnerable.
Conventially horror films use both digetic and non digetic music to create tension and this is usually the main suspence builder aslong as you have the right music with the right timed shots. Horror films also conventially include text they do this to break up the scenes and to tell more of the plot so its easier to understand it also means they dont have to reveal to much of the film and the text usually are questions or statements which mak the audience ask questions which means they are more likely to watch the film in order to answer the questions.
Summary of Target Audience:
The target audience for our horror teaser trailer is for teenagers and young adults around the ages of 16-25 we got these ages from our survey into similar products so we know they will be best suited for our trailer. Any younger age would struggle to understand the main focus of the ouija board, and could be easily scared and may suffer from nightmares or in the worst case senario may even be influenced by the trailer and try to re in act it which could result in disaster.
Tuesday, 28 February 2012
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