
Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Audience feedback questionnaire analysis

Almost everyone who took my survey was in my target audience age group meaning all my feedback will be relevant, majority were 16-25. This means i will be able to see if my products suited my target audience, and for those out of my target audience bracket i will be able to see if my products  did suit them.

77%women took my survey this is good as i challenged conventions a bit by making my film more appealing to females so i will be able to see if i achieved this. Having both males and females taking my survey means i can get the opinion of both sexes.

My third question was whether each of my pieces appealed to the audience and the reasons. The aim of this question was to see an overview of my teaser trailer and to see if i had to change it. Every respondent answered yes that my teaser trailer was appealing to them with comment such as 'yes very scary' being great as that means it conforms with my horror genre other comments praised my editing which is a convention of horror films.

 Part 2 of question 3 focused on my magazine cover and whether it appealed to my respondents and their reason, 90% answered yes, 1 person didn't answer yes but failed to give a reason making it hard for me to know where i can improve. positive comments such as 'yes, image used is the last image seen in the clip, so they relate well' and 'yes good layout' make me feel i have achieved some conventions of a typical horror magazine cover.

 Part 3 of question 3 focuses on my film poster, yet again 90% said it did appeal to them with the 1 person again failing to state a reason. positive responses such as 'yes really eyecatching' and 'yes, consistent use of images, style and font' lets me know that all of my products relate well as the respondent has commented on it.
 Question 5 is the strengths of my products this will help me know what i should keep and what i should change when i improve my work and i will know what i did well on, comments such as 'Professional looking and they all fit together well' make me feel good about my products, editing seems to be the strongest part of all my products which makes me think i was successful with my conventions as i built up suspense with slower paced editing and it getting gradually faster.

My 5th question focused on my weaknesses of the three products this information would help me know what i did wrong and what i need to change. The main feedback was about the amount of fonts i used on both ancillary tasks and how there are to many and it can be seen as cluttered and confusing.

my final question is how can i improve my three products my respondents have told me my weakest parts and now this is where they can give advise and ideas supporting my products. the main response was to focus on using 3 or 4 main fonts and continually using them on both ancillary tasks and the other response was about the sound on the film, how its silent until half way threw.

this audience feedback has been useful as i am now able to go and make the changes i need to, in order to make my products suit my target audience more.

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