
Thursday, 10 November 2011

Sorority row poster analysis

The route of the eye shows what the audience see first when they look at the poster, The first thing to meet the eye is the house this is important as it is the main location of the film, its also covered in flames which suggests its not a happy film. The line then goes threw the centre focusing on the girls this focuses on friendship as they are lying together. In the centre of the principle of thirds you can see all the girls faces this is important as they are the main character and the memorable part of the poster. Also in the centre principle of thirds at the bottom are the credits but central in bold is 'coming soon' this is highlighted as its also important as it will get the audience excited. The Masthead dominates the poster.

The main image is of the girls on top of each other this shows they are important and must be the main character as this image is the background image of the poster. The poster image is important as its the audiences first introduction to the characters.

The fact they are in black and white are important because black represents death and white represents innocence. The only other colour is the orange flames which connotes danger this makes the location stand out as its luminated by orange.  The Masthead dominates the poster, because the white writing contrasts the black background and is underlined by red to highlight it even more and red connotes blood which connotes my horror genre.

The font on this film poster is quite basic the mast head has a part distorted font with some of the letters being bigger and bolder so it stands out they also use the same 'o' as in the image of the house window this means it must be of some importance if they have highlighted it. The pug is in sans serif font to emphasis everything else on the poster and also to simplify the words as the words aren't meant to have a nice meaning.

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