
Friday, 27 April 2012

Summary of my Research

Above is a summary of all the research ive done into my three products.

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Secondry Focus Group

For my research i used a focus group i found this was a really effective way of getting feedback, so i decided to do another one for my evaluation. I interviewed 6 people aged between 6-25 which is the age of my target audience.
I showed my target audience my teaser trailer and then my magazine front cover and film poster and then asked them 14 set questions in order to get some solid reliable feedback i then gave them each a chance to add any other opinions.

1. How old are you?

2. Did you like my teaser trailer?

3.  (if answered yes)What did you like about the video?
3.  (if answered no) what didn't you like?

4.   What would you change about the video?

5.   What did you think about the sound used in the video?

6.  What did you think of the storyline of my video?

7. Do you think my product 'The awoken'  was similar to existing trailers such as 'Paranormal activity' and 'The strangers'

8.(if answered yes)  Why was it similar?
8.(if answered no) Why wasn't is similar?

9. What did you think of my film poster? Did you like it?

10. Is my film poster similar to others?

11. What did you think of my film magazine? Did you like it?

12. Is my film magazine similar to others?

13. Do my products fit in with the horror genre?

14. Any further comments?

By having a focus group, I was able to fully understand what people thought of my teaser trailer. From the answers my target audience gave me i had an insight into what they liked and disliked about my product. Some of the positives of my trailer was the fast paced editing the releatable characters, the music fitting in well with the editing.The respondants also commented on the lowkey lighting and the night vision effect how that created a scary errie feeling. 

 A negative point some of the respondants commented on was the lack of a relase date and credit which i would agree are dissapointing factors i missed out on my trailer. Some respondants aso commented on the lack of music at the start of my trailer, i think we did this as it was an introduction into the story line and characters but looking back it could do with some kind of music. Overall my products did appeal to my target audience of 16-25. 



Twisted Pictures: Is an independent American production company, who focus mainly on the horror genre. The company is still quite new and was founded in 2004 by evolution entertainment. Twisted pictures are most well know for producing the saw film series.

Hammer Pictures, film production company is based in the United Kingdom and was launched in 1934. Hammer was one of the UKs largest film producers and was made bigger when they paired with Warner Bros and Universal Pictures. But during 1960'-70's the horror genre deteriorated and Hammer pictures loss their American partners, Hammer pictures ceased film production in 1980's and turned to television 'Hammer House Of Horror' . Three years later and hammer production had lost the TV production and the company were in effect in hibernation, until recently 2010 where Hammer released its first theatrical feature of the 21st century in October 2010 with 'Let Me In' the company has since gone on to reproduce 'the woman in black' starring Daniel Radcliffe which has been a huge hit in the UK so it seems Hammer Pictures is back with a bang.

Platinum Dunes: Was created in 2001 and is a film production that focuses on horror films particularly remakes. In 2009 the company paired with Paramount Pictures to focus on the horror genre.
Some popular remakes are 'Nightmare in elm street', 'Friday 13th' 'The unborn'

What is Horror?

Horror films are a movie genre seeking a negative emotional reaction from the audience, they do this by preying on the audiences emotion of fear. Horror films include jumpy scenes, graphic gorey scenes to startle the audience into be scared.
The horror and thriller genre are closely related and oftern are confussed as they can be used together. Horror films are best made scary by including every day issues which are realistic and by preying on the fear of the unknown.
Horror has moved on in time early horror films were largely based on nineteenth-century  gothic literature such as Universal's Dracula and Frankenstein other horror films would include monsters, vampires, werewolves and mummies which would now be seen as unrealistic we have moved on to serial killers, canniballs.

Analysis of my audience research

 After collecting 10 responses from my questionnaire I've analysed them in order for it to help me with my product. My target audience is 16-25 i this is because this is who mostly answered my questionnaire and 90% said they liked horror films so this age group appears to best suited. My trailer will be aimed at both male and females as although the majority of people that took my survey were male i want my trailer to appeal to a wider variety of people.

The fifth question I asked was 'What are your hobbies/interests?' this was to gain a further insight into my target audience and how they spend their free time. Watching films and socialising are common interests among my chosen target audience, the characters withing my trailer should be easily relatable and have qualities or aspects of their lives in common with the audience so the story line feels more real and therefore more frightening

The majority of my target audience watch horror films once a month so i want my
Our target audience said that the trailer was one of the main things that made them want to watch a horror film, this is why our trailer has to be able to draw in our target audience. For our trailer the storyline and the fear factor are going to be the main focus, these were the popular answers that we found in the questionnaire.

We also found out that our target audience preferred to watch horror films that were based around a psychological factor, and a lot of action. We will try and incorporate both of these factors into our trailer, by doing this it will meet our target audiences desires in a horror film and make them want to watch it.

For our promotional package of the film, we are going to focus on the image for both the poster and the magazine cover. This is because this is what our target audience said drew their attention the most, The image needs to be eye catching, and give an insight in to what my films about the picture also needs to be bold and dramatic to stand out and catch the audiences eye so its memorable.  We will also focus on other conventions of a poster and a magazine cover, the font and the colours will also be important, they will need to connote the ideas of horror and fear to keep in the genre of my teaser trailer as both the poster and magazine have to be able to stick out to our target audience